Let Me Introduce You ...

Her blog, Mirrored Images, echoes her prize-winning column of the same name that ran for years when she headed the newspaper.
I met Jan about 25 years ago when I joined the Housatonic group of papers under earlier ownership, and over the years her measured eye and deep love for her community continued, vital and vibrant.
Mirrored Images will take her readers way back when, but not because she's stuck in a time warp. True, Jan loves local history and has a passion for genealogy, but she's a living repository of the notes and details that bring streets and homes and vistas into view again, enriching our perspectives on community.
Readers of tales by Phil Camp, the South Kent storyteller, that appear often in Barbara Thorland's "Gaylordsville Notes" column in The Housatonic Times will know just what I mean. You don't have to know who went walking the walk through everyday life to enjoy their experiences and encounters.
In today's, her second, blog entry, Jan goes a-walkin' herself.